
The fellowship is definitely going through a difficult period in their lives. The have not had a spiritual leader for quite some time now. Our dear brother in Christ, Chris Wilk, has been traveling to minister to the group when his schedule permits. Chris has a long time to travel (7hrs round-trip) to get to the group, plus the enemy has put many obstacles in his way, poor health and most recently car problems. Please pray for he, his wife, and their 5 children.

All of those in the fellowship have their share of testings, most of them are struggling just to keep a float because of their personal economical hardships. One dear sister so much wants to follow the Lord but has an unbelieving husband who can become rather combative in their relationship in addition she is single handily trying to raise their 4 sons.

To add to their personal difficulties the fellowship lost a few members of their already small group, so this affected them spiritually. Suffice to say the Lord knows their needs and we trust that HE is faithful to minister and meet every need that they have.

However, if you desire to know more, in a general sense, of the needs of the fellowship both spiritually and physically please do not hesitate to contact Peter or Ewa Prunty via e-mail at misjanadzieji@gmail.com.


7/9/09- We need PRAYER

Brothers and Sisters I ask that you would lift up in particular Piotr, the leader of the fellowship in Oświęcim, Poland. Things continue to be a struggle for him as currently the fellowship has dwindled to 2 people. He is discouraged and needs a lift from the LORD to keep upon his trek.

As I write this, I too have a saddened heart by the news of the spiritual condition of the fellowship. God is the one who work on the hearts of men and lets beseech the LORD that HE would have his way with those hearts that need the touch of the masters hand.

Please pray along with me that Piotr despite the dismal outward appearance to the naked eye, would be encouraged in the LORD!!

I have spoke with Chris who continues to come weekly to encourage the fellowship. He is concerned for Piotr because of his discouragement. Also, Chris senses some bitterness and forgiveness in the hearts of some of those who no longer are attending the fellowship.

Please Pray, Pray!! God can change all of this, only HE can.

In Christ,




Dear brethren we need to get on our knees and pray for the fellowship in
Oświęcim. Our dear brother Piotr needs to be lifted up by our Lord. His walk with Jesus is doing good but he is discouraged. Ministering under his current circumstances is a vary waring thing on him; he so much desires to see people in his city come to Christ and he is not seeing any evidenced fruit to this point. Also, he desires to see others in his circle who know Christ to live the joyful, victorious life in Christ. He sees the lack of the power of God in their lives and so much wants to see them freed from this. Please I ask pray for Piotr. That he would be encouraged by the Lord. That the Lord would give him a different perspective in the ministering that he does, an eternal perspective.

As always there are trials/circumstances in the fellowship with various believers of which I can not go into specifics but suffice to say they need the touch of God upon their lives. God knows what they are going through, lets lift them up to the Lord!! This fellowship needs to be impacted by the Almighty God's Holy Spirit to enable them to be lights to a dark and dying world around them.

Chris Wilk and his family will be traveling to Vajta, Hungary to the bible college to get refreshed and built up at the annual missions conference. This is a great time for them to fellowship with other missionaries, drink in of God's word. Please pray for their safe travel to Hungary and their time there with the brethren. Chris is a faithful servant of God and has some of his own trials where he ministers in Poland. Let's lift him up to the Lord as well as the rest of his family. Also, he needs God's abundant grace and wisdom as he continues to travel weekly to minister to the the Oświęcim group in song and the teaching of the Word. Please pray that he would get his sustenance from the Lord and he would be enabled to continue to keep going in the ministry and also to help tend to and lead his family.

Dear Saints, this is a real battle and I am acquainted with the reality of what it is like. Our dear friend and his family as well as the fellowship in Oświęcim need our prayer support. Lets dig our feet in and bunker down for some serious prayer for these folks. God Praise you!!! You are so very very faithful!!!


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